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What’s Happening

05/20/22 Florence JR/SR High School

Florence Jr High 8th Grade Earth Day Posters!

Florence HS Solar Tour April 2022
Florence HS Solar Tour April 2022

05/12/22 Florence JR/SR High School

Earth Week AP Environmental Science Class Solar Tour!

Upcycled Penrose Beaver
Upcycled Penrose Beaver

04/23/22 Penrose Elementary

These 6th grade students presented Mrs. Lesser with a beaver made from items found in their desks.

04/23/22 Penrose Elementary

Students decorated bags for local grocery stores in art.

Earth Day Art
Earth Day Art

04/23/22 Penrose Elementary

Mrs. Sutton had students work on earth day projects in art.

04/22/22 Penrose Elementary

Penrose Elementary Earth Week Activities

1st Grade Rocks!
1st Grade Rocks!

04/22/22 Penrose Elementary

First Grade Earth Week Art Project!

PPP Pledge
PPP Pledge

04/22/22 Penrose Elementary

Over 200 signatures!

04/22/22 Penrose Elementary

3rd grade’s scrap paper art

04/22/22 Penrose Elementary

5th grade works together to clean up behind the school.
